Monday 14 January 2008

an extremely welcome blast from the past

have you ever had those kind of friends that when you're close they're just the most amazing friend and person and you feel totally comfortable around them and you have a unique relationship with them
then you find you've grown distant from them as in you're not in contact as much
you still think they're ace and you wish you could spend more time with them, like the past
no matter how much you try and "live for the present" the past is always creeping up behind you reminding uou of what was......hmmmm
anyway back to the original topic!
oh how i ramble on
so suddenly you here from this friend again and its JUST like old times :)
the randomness the humour the inside jokes just the way you talk so only they understand
its brilliant
you realise just how much someone can really make an impact on your life
and how much you have bloody missed them!
i cant wait for next year just because it might mean spending more time with that friend :)
and we'll be able to make new memories, etter ones :)

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