Saturday 16 February 2008

titles are restrictive to the rest of the text

to label something is to give it a name, an identity
someones property

full stops imply the end
no more

patterns imply continuity and predictability
so lets stop this now eh?

whatever one person thinks has probably already been thought of a million times over
whatever one person does has probably already been done a million times over
and yet we are ashamed
we lie
we conceal the truth
sure to be enlightened is to accept yourself and reveal all
to no longer feel shame
if so then who is enlightened? anyone?
....anyone at all?

if people accepted themselves would they walk around naked?
wouldnt some wear clothes purely because they liked clothes?
would we all accept that we were the same, equal
or that we are all individuals and can act differently?

or is enlightenment your total acceptance of God, religion and how it tells you to live?

whatever problem you have theres someone who has a problem worse than you
so whats the bottom?
surely its got to be something
what is the worst problem in the world?

numbers are amazing
they are infinite
they have no beginning and they have no end

i've been reading fight club and i remembered this:
primary year 6
and i cant even remember how it started
but me and cheral who i considered my best friend fought
we went at each other as hard as we could
children around us chanting "fight fight fight!"
adrenaline spurring us on
neither of us wanted to give in
i remember feeling elated
it felt like i was letting go
i was hurtling towards freedom
and somehow we just collectively stopped
and that was that
life continued as normal
i've never forgotten that
and so often i just wish to be back there
letting go
with no fear of change or consequence afterwards

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